Tom Loveless
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Major Assessment Calendar for the Remainder of 2022

I describe below only those assessments that produce valid estimates of U.S. national student achievement. Note that the scheduled release dates for scores are subject to change.


Assesses reading and math in grades 4 and 8.  National and state scores for each test, along with scores from select districts (Trial Urban District Assessment).  Last administered in 2019, with 2021 postponed due to the pandemic. Scores from early 2022 are scheduled for fall 2022 release (usually between Labor Day and Thanksgiving). From 2003-2019, tests were given every two years (odd-numbered years) but because of the delay, post-pandemic tests are scheduled for even-numbered years (2022, 2024, and so on).

Long-term Trend NAEP (LTT)

Nine-year-olds were assessed on reading and mathematics early in 2022.  In contrast to the main NAEP, the LTT is age-based, usually given to students who are 9-, 13-, and 17-years old.  The LTT was last administered in 2020, immediately prior to the pandemic lockdowns, allowing the 2022 scores, although restricted to 9-year-olds, to fill out one of the best “before and after” snapshots of student achievement. National and regional scores are only reported—no state scores. Release scheduled for spring 2023.

NAEP Civics and U.S. History

Grade 8.  The 2021 tests were cancelled due to the pandemic and administered in January-March, 2022.  Both tests were last given in 2018.  Students within randomly selected schools were randomly assigned to either the civics or history test, which was administered on tablets.  Release scheduled for spring 2023.

PIRLS 2021

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study. International assessment of fourth grade reading, the sibling of TIMSS. First given in 2001 and every fifth year since, with about sixty countries participating. A wrinkle brought on by the pandemic: Because U.S. students were assessed in October, 2021 rather than the usual spring period, 5th graders were tested, the reasoning being that they and their international peers were in the 4th grade in the spring of 2021. Scores are scheduled for release on December 13, 2022.

PISA 2022

Program for International Student Assessment.  International assessment of 15-year olds in reading, math, and science literacy. Eighty-five countries expected for PISA 2022. Last given in 2018 and administered every three years (2021 was delayed due to the pandemic.)  U.S. assessments will be conducted in fall of 2022 (modal grade for U.S. students is 10thgrade).  Scores scheduled for December 2023 release.